One Great Club – Two Great Courses
Welcome to the online home of Nene Park Golf Club. The website will be the hub of all going on within the Golf Club. You are able to see fixtures, match results and download entry forms for our open competitions.and membership application forms
Formed in 2013 as an amalgamation of Thorpe Wood and Orton Meadows Golf Clubs, we aim to offer golfers in Peterborough and the surrounding areas a refreshing new approach to golf membership.
Based at the East of England’s two premier pay and play courses, we can give golfers of all abilities membership of a recognised golf club. Our aim is to make golf more affordable, without the fees, rules and regulations associated with private clubs. You can control the cost of playing golf to suit your needs, by selecting one of our “pay and play” or “green fee inclusive” options.
Registered with England Golf, our members acquire and maintain an official handicap. We hold competitions and matches every week, open to everyone from the social texas scrambler, the regular competition and team player, to serious scratch players. Whatever your age, gender, handicap or ability, everyone is welcome and we encourage you to take part.


Become a Member
Becoming a member at Nene Park Golf Club is easy, just follow the link below to start your journey.
Members wishing to obtain a handicap are required to submit at least 3 scorecards (totalling 54 holes) played within a 6 month period. These cards may be submitted for 18 holes played at Thorpe Wood and/or Orton Meadows, or 9 holes played at Thorpe Wood (holes 1-9 or holes 10-18), or any combination of those to make a minimum of 54 holes. Please note that only 18 hole scores will be accepted for Orton Meadows. The scorecard MUST clearly show the name of the person playing (Player A) AND the name of the person marking the card (Player D), the date the round was played, and which tees were used. The marker must be a member of NPGC with an official WHS handicap, be able to show a reasonable knowledge of the Rules of Golf (as these must be applied at all times for handicap rounds to be acceptable), and will record the gross score on each hole (including all penalty strokes where applicable) in Column A on the scorecard. Each card should be dated and marked “For Handicap”.
The cards must be signed by the player and marker in the appropriate places at the bottom of the card. Retain the first and second cards until the third one is completed, Members are to email high quality easily readable photos of the 3 cards to and submitted within a six month period. The cards are not to be handed in. Members will be advised by email when their handicap is allocated so an email must be provided.
Should you require further information please contact either of the individuals below:
James Gillespie Men’s and Senior’s Handicap Secretary 07743 144952
Karen Ivens Ladies Handicap Secretary 07932 194407
You will also be allotted a unique ID number known as a CDH No (Central Database of Handicaps) which is held in the computer software and which will automatically update your handicap record as and when you play at Home or Away.
The Club holds a number of individual medal, stableford and trophy competitions throughout the year. Entry to all these competitions is via the ClubV1 members Hub mobile application (click on the Members Area button at the top of the page).
New members will be advised how to use the booking system and the inputting of results after playing in a competition. In addition, the Club has access to a website and this enables members to book into Club competitions, and to view results without the need to visit the courses.
Throughout the summer months the Club plays matches, both home and away, against other Clubs in the area.
Although some of these fixtures are for the lower handicap player, the majority are for other members with higher handicaps.
In addition, there are mixed matches and also matches for seniors aged 55 years and above.
Sign-up sheets for matches are on the respective notice boards at the two courses