Seniors Section


Seniors Captain

- Richard Sowell

A message from the Captain

Hello Seniors,

Please let me introduce myself to you as your Senior Captain for the coming year.

Many will already know me, but others will not.
I hope to rectify this and get to know many more of you than I currently do. shadowed Brian as Vice Captain last year and thank him for his help and encouragement.
After talking to previous Captains such as Steve P. and others it’s a role that I look forward to and regard as a privilege to be undertaking.

I’ve only played golf regularly for 5 years or so and wife Bridget has made her way through Suzanne’s Academy to enjoy playing with the Ladies section. We still have enthusiasm of being relatively new to the game and the optimism of our first “hole-in-ones”!

I see my role as more than choosing teams, liaising with other clubs, sorting fixtures and sitting on club committees.
Communication with Seniors on all things that affect them enjoying golf is important. My enthusiasm for the game and my enjoyment in organising and communicating I know will sit well when undertaking the role.

Last year 37 players represented the Seniors in friendly matches. Many players were a constant in the team and well supported the club. I hope this continues, but that others will also put their names forward to give me a selection headache.
We lost more matches than we won and enjoyed the courses and hospitality of other clubs, but this year I hope we can improve on the win/loss ratio!

In a later email and attachment Newsletter I’ll outline the Seniors fixtures for the coming year and discuss more of what team golf is about and how our Seniors team will be organised.

My charity for the coming year will be Sue Ryder. I’ve chosen this as it’s local and many of us will know family, friends or others who have needed the help the charity provides.

Thanks for bearing with me whilst introducing myself to you. I look forward to this coming year with enthusiasm and anticipation as I’m sure you do.


Richard Sowell
Seniors Captain
07963 176053



07963 176053

Captains Charity

Previous Captains